Joe Tilson

Joe Tilson (Londra 1928- 2023)

Born in London, he developed an interest in art from an early age. In 1949, on a scholarship, he attended St. Martin's School of Art and graduated from the Royal College of Art in 1955. That same year, he won the Prix de Rome scholarship and moved to the Italian capital; from then on, his life was divided between England and Italy. He has exhibited internationally since 1958, with shows in Paris, Tokyo, Germany, Italy, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, South America and the United States. He taught at St. Martin's School of Art from 1958 to 1963, and later at the Slade School of Art at University College London, King's College Newcastle-upon-Tyne, the School of Visual Arts in New York and the Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Hamburg. Joe Tilson is one of the leading figures in British Pop Art. Throughout his career he has experimented with different materials and techniques, arriving in the 1960s at original solutions with series of paintings and constructions inspired by children's interlocking games or the ziggurat theme. His work is represented in public and private collections worldwide.



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